Hello everybody,

I am Byron Zhang. As an independent developer, I’m thrilled to introduce my latest project—a revolutionary RSS web application designed to enhance your reading experience in this era of information overload. With so much content coming from all directions, RSS remains a reliable way to stay updated on your favorite topics, blogs, and websites without the distraction of ads and irrelevant recommendations.

However, traditional RSS readers have a few significant drawbacks:

To address these issues, I'm creating an RSS reader that integrates powerful AI capabilities to streamline and enrich your reading experience.

Key Features:

This application is designed to help you build a personalized, ad-free reading experience, making it easier to stay informed without feeling overwhelmed.

Seeking Early Adopters

Join the Waitlist

I’m currently in the development phase and looking for early adopters who can provide valuable feedback and help shape the future of this app. If you’re interested in being a part of this journey, please join our waitlist or send me a direct message on X. Your feedback will be crucial in refining the features and ensuring the app meets your needs.

Thank you for your interest, and I look forward to creating a more efficient and enjoyable reading experience together!

Best regards,
